Remaking Vintage: One Rediscovered Houseware at a Time

Kellie Wolff is a lover of vintage: chairs, desk, couches, lamps, dishes, farm tools. If she can find it, she just might try to restore it and resell it. Her passion for restoration brought her into business: she opened Flipping Quarters, a vintage and home goods store, on Morris’ Atlantic Avenue to showcase her found items and refinished wares.

“I used to visit a friend in the Twin Cities who was doing what I do now. I fell in love with vintage, cool, knick knacky, decorating for old and new,” Wolff says. “My aunt had a little antique store in Hancock called Country Collectibles about 30 years ago. I grew up watching her pass on the last generation’s pieces to the next one and I wanted to continue that tradition.” Wolff started with estate sales and estate cleanouts.

“Now, I get paid to do what I love,” Wolff laughs. “Folks usually call me when they are retiring, downsizing, or leaving the farm and need help cleaning the slate. I try to tailor each cleanout to the situation, not just so my prices remain competitive, but so that people keep what they really value and treasure and I find new homes for everything else.” Some goes into the bin, but the pieces with useful life left in them head to Wolff’s workshop, where she repurposes and custom paints furniture and does some basic upholstery to move each piece from broken down to beautiful and valuable again.

You’ll find Kellie at the Starbuck Vintage & Artisan Market surrounded by furniture, vintage lamps and bottles, dishes, and metal farm tools—some refashioned into new purposes. Flipping Quarters is open Wednesday-Saturday and by appointment at 1001 Atlantic Avenue in Morris. You can also connect with Wolff on Facebook or on her website.